Color Scheme


Head of Cadets and Student Club

Galina Malinovskaya

Kosaya linia, 15a, office 259


Journalism Studio “Vestnik”


Irina Tsivileva

Member of International Union of Slavic journalists,

Editor of “St.Petersburg Vodnik” and “Makarov Vestnik”

Dvinskaya st. 5/7, office 145

Time schedule:

Tuesday and Thursday from 12.50 till 13.40 (Dvinskaya st., 5/7, office 153);

Wendnesday from 18.00 (Stachek avenue, 5).

group in VK website: journalist club “Vestnik”


Dance group “Balance”


Anastasia Sudakova

Time schedule:

Monday, Thursday from 18:00 till 20:00 (VO, Kosaya Linia 15A, assembly hall)

Dance group “Balance” invites cadets and students of Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping. We are looking forward to both experienced dancers and  those who want to learn how to lead a partner, freely to be leaded by partner, move beautifully in a pair.


Musical Leader

Aleksei Bashkatov

Vocal group “Ekipaj”

Time schedule:

Tuesday: from 15:00 till 20:00 (Kosaya Linia 15A)

Wednesday, Friday: from 17:00 till 20:00 (Strelna)


Cadets chorus

Time schedule:

Monday: from 15:00 till 17:30 (Campus No.4 – Strelna)

Friday: from 15:00 till 17:30 (Campus No.4 – Strelna)

Chorus permanently takes part in lots of university splendid events. Also out chorus group has a great deal of diplomas for participation in different contests, festivals etc.


Wind band


Evgenii Shtukmeister

Time schedule:

Tuesday, Thursday from 17:00 till 19:00 (Kosaya linia 15A, assembly hall)

Advantages of our wind band: friendly atmosphere, regular events, reverential attitude to every student.


Karate. Kyokushin


Aleksandr Gribkov

Time schedule:

Tuesday-Thursday: 19:45-20.45

Saturday: 16.15-17.45


Drummer Girls Studio “The Baltic seagulls”


Elena Panova

Time schedule:

Wednesday, Friday from 17:00 till 19:00 (Dvinskaya st. 5/7, assembly hall)

We are looking forward beautiful, musically skilled and talented girls and boys! If you are not experienced in such kinds of clubs, it is not a problem! We will teach you to hold sticks in a right way and will learn together a new concert program.


Dance club SDK (Soul. Dance. Kindness)


Olga Dobydna

Time schedule:

Tuesday: 19:00-21:00 (Stachek Square 5, m. Narvskaya)

Thursday: 19:00-21:00 (Stachek Square 5, m. Narvskaya)

Friday: 19:00-21:00 (Stachek Square 5, m. Narvskaya)

SDK is a small family that is looking forward to everyone who wants to dance and perfect their bodies. Be a part of our team, feel out rhythm.


Voice band “Nevskii banks”


Tatyana Mamontova

Time schedule:

Tuesday and Thursday from 17.00 till 19.00 (Dvinskaya st. 6/7, audience 201)

Here you can:

Sing solo and in a band

At rehearsals and at the scene

Actively participate in concerts of our university and also outside of the University


Folk Dance Ensemble “Seven Seas”

Leader: Irina Chernousova

Folk dance is not just a dance style, it is an art, the art of being bright on stage, inspiring and delighting people, expressing your own emotions in smaller things.